
信息来源: 发布日期:2024-11-27

杨维熠,博士,现为南京信息工程大学人工智能学院讲师,智慧医疗研究院成员,中国研究型医院学会青年委员。本科、博士均毕业于吉林大学通信工程学院,并于202210月获得博士学位。曾赴麦吉尔大学生物医学工程系进行联合培养,师从加拿大工程研究院院士、美国生物医学研究院院士Robert E Kearney。现主要从事生物医学信号处理、智能诊断系统的开发等领域研究工作。目前,正主持江苏省基础研究计划自然科学基金(2024.09-2027.08)。已在《Information Sciences》、《Knowledge-based systems》、《Artificial intelligence in medicine》等高水平国际期刊发表20余篇SCI学术论文。谷歌学术显示论文总被引500余次,其中单篇最高被引用152次。曾担任Information Fusion, Information Sciences等高水平SCI期刊审稿人。已申请多项发明专利,其中4项授权。








[1] Yang Weiyi, et al. “Automated atrial fibrillation and ventricular fibrillation recognition using a multi-angle dual-channel fusion network.” Artificial intelligence in medicine, 2023, 102680.
[2] Yang Weiyi, et al. “A novel method for automated congestive heart failure and coronary artery disease recognition using THC-Net.” Information Sciences, 2021, 568, 427-447.
[3] Yang Weiyi, et al. “Automated intra-patient and inter-patient coronary artery disease and congestive heart failure detection using EFAP-Net.” Knowledge-Based Systems, 2020, 201: 106083.

[4] Yang Weiyi, et al. “Automatic recognition of arrhythmia based on principal component analysis network and linear support vector machine” Computers in biology and medicine, 2018, 101: 22-32.

[5] Yang Weiyi, et al. “A novel method for identifying electrocardiograms using an independent component analysis and principal component analysis network.” Measurement, 2020, 152, 107363.

[6] Yang Weiyi, et al. “Automatic recognition of coronary artery disease and congestive heart failure using a multi-granularity cascaded hybrid network.” Biomedical signal processing and control, 2023, 105332.

[7] Yang Weiyi, et al. “Detection of differences of cardiorespiratory metrics between non-invasive respiratory support modes using machine learning methods.” Biomedical signal processing and control, 2023, 105028.
