刘辉,博士,任教于南京信息工程大学未来技术学院。毕业于德国不来梅大学认知系统研究所,师从自动语音识别和生理信号建模先驱、IEEE会士Tanja Schultz教授。长期研究多模态生物信号处理、广域时序信号特征工程、可穿戴计算、实时模式识别和人机交互界面、音乐学机器学习建模、以及人工智能跨领域广泛应用等方向。发明了实时识别人体动作的智能膝盖康复绷带,获国际生医工大会BIOSTEC最佳论文(学生作者)。Sensors 2023最佳审稿人;IOP信赖审稿人。
1. Liu H*, Zhang S, Gamboa H, Xue T, Zhou C, Schultz T, Taxonomy and Real-Time Classification of Artifacts during Biosignal Acquisition: A Starter Study and Dataset of ECG, IEEE Sens. J., 2024. (IF 4.3, Hot Paper (WoS, top 0.1%))
2. Rodrigues J*, Liu H*(共一,相同贡献), Folgado D, Belo D, Schultz T, Gamboa H*, Feature-Based Information Retrieval of Multimodal Biosignals with a Self-Similarity Matrix: Focus on Automatic Segmentation, Biosensors, 2022. (IF5.4)
3. Li J, Li J-W, Wang C, Verbeek F J*, Schultz T, Liu H*, MS2OD: Outlier Detection Using Minimum Spanning Tree and Medoid Selection, Mach. Learn.: Sci. Technol., 2024. (IF 6.8, Hot Paper)
4. Li J, Li J-W, Wang C, Verbeek F J*, Schultz T, Liu H*, Outlier Detection Using Iterative Adaptive Mini-Minimum Spanning Tree Generation with Applications on Medical Data”, Front. Physiol., 2023. (IF 4.0, Hot Paper)
5. Zhang X, Cheng X*, Liu H*, TPRO-NET: An EEG-Based Emotion Recognition Method Reflecting Subtle Changes in Emotion, Sci. Rep., 2024. (IF 4.6)
6. Cai L, Yan S, Ouyang C, Zhang T, Zhu J, Chen L, Ma X*, Liu H*, Muscle Synergies in Joystick Manipulation, Front. Physiol., 2023. (IF 4.0, Hot Paper)
7. Shi, Zhou C*, Zhang Y, Li K, Ren X, Liu H*, Ye X*, Hybrid Modeling on Reconstitution of Continuous Arterial Blood Pressure Using Finger Photoplethysmography, Biomed. Signal Process. Control., 2023. (IF 5.1)
8. Liu H, Schultz T, Wearable Real-Time Human Activity Recognition System using Biosensors Integrated into a Knee Bandage, Proc. 12th BIOSTEC - Vol: 1: BIODEVICES, 2019. (Best Paper, Student Author)
1. Liu H, Gamboa H, Schultz T, Sensors for Human Activity Recognition, 2023.
2. Liu H, Gamboa H, Schultz T, Sensors for Human Activity Recognition II, 2024.