
信息来源: 发布日期:2024-08-31

曹政,博士,现为南京信息工程大学人工智能学院讲师,智慧医疗研究院成员。2024年博士毕业于浙江大学计算机科学与技术学院。研究方向为领域知识驱动的医学人工智能方法,主要包括医学影像智能诊断、生物/化学信息学及AI4Science等。在行业top期刊和会议发表论文十余篇,被引200余次,授权中国发明专利40余项。曾获浙江大学优秀研究生、三好/五好研究生、优秀团干部、杰出研究生等表彰十余项。担任Information FusionBriefings in BioinformaticsArtificial Intelligence ReviewNeruocomputingScientific ReportsMultimedia Systems等多个期刊或会议审稿人。



1. Cao, Z., Xu, L., Chen, D. Z., Gao, H., & Wu, J. (2023). A Robust Shape-Aware Rib Fracture Detection and Segmentation Framework With Contrastive Learning. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 25, 1584-1591. (SCI, Q1, IF=8)

2. Cao, Z., Feng, C., Xu, H., Wu, Z., Gao, H., & Wu, J. (2023). Employing high-precision edge detection for small-scale dental target recognition, Expert Systems With Applications, 1-11 (SCI Q1, IF=8).

3. Cao, Z., Pan, X., Yu, H., Hua, S., Wang, D., Chen, D. Z., Min, Z & Wu, J (2022). A Deep Learning Approach for Detecting Colorectal Cancer via Raman Spectra. BME Frontiers, 1-10. (SCI Q1, IF=5)

4. Cao, Z., Yu, B., Lei, B., Ying, H., Zhang, X., Chen, D. Z., & Wu, J. (2021). Cascaded SE-ResUnet for segmentation of thoracic organs at risk. Neurocomputing, 453, 357-368. (SCI, Q1, IF=7)

5. Cao, Z., Sun, C., Wang, W., Zheng, X., Wu, J., & Gao, H. (2021). Multi-modality fusion learning for the automatic diagnosis of optic neuropathy. Pattern Recognition Letters, 142, 58-64. (SCI, Q2, IF=4)

6. Zhu, H., Cao, Z., Lian, L., Ye, G., Gao, H., & Wu, J. (2022). CariesNet: a deep learning approach for segmentation of multi-stage caries lesion from oral panoramic X-ray image. Neural Computing and Applications, 1-9. (SCI, Q2, IF=5)

7. Liu, T., Cao, Z., Xu, H., Wu, Z., Gao, H., & Wu, J. (2023). SynCluster: A reaction type clustering and recommendation framework for synthesis planning. JACS Au, 1-20 (SCI Q1, IF=8)

8. Yu, H. Cao, Z., Pang, G., Wu, F., Zhu, H. & Zhu, F. (2024). A Deep Learning System for Diagnosing Eruption Abnormalities. Journal of Dentistry, 1-10. (SCI Q1, IF=5)

9. Jiang, L., Chen, D., Cao, Z., Wu, F., Zhu, H., & Zhu, F. (2021). A Two-Stage Deep Learning Architecture for Radiographic Assessment of Periodontal Bone Loss. BMC Oral Health. (SCI Q1, IF=5)

10. Zhu, H., Yu, H., Zhang, F., Cao, Z., Wu, F., & Zhu, F. (2022). Automatic Segmentation and Detection of Ectopic Eruption of the First Permanent Molars on Panoramic Radiographs Based on nnUNet. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry. (SCI Q1, IF=5)

11. Jin, R., Ye, Q., Wang, J., Cao, Z., Jiang, D., Wang, T., Kang, Y., Xu, W., Hsieh, C., Hou, T. (2024) AttABseq: An Attention-based Deep Learning Prediction Method for Antigen-Antibody Binding Affinity Changes Based on Protein Sequences. Briefings in Bioinformatics. (SCI Q1, IF=7)

12. Liu R, Wang Y, Xu H, Qin Z, Zhang F, Liu Y., & Cao, Z.. PMANet: Malicious URL detection via post-trained language model guided multi-level feature attention network[J]. Information Fusion, 2025, 113: 102638. (SCI Q1, IF=15)

13. Cao, Z., Mu, C., Ying, H., & Wu, J. (2021). Full Scale Attention for Automated COVID-19 Diagnosis from CT Images. In 2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC) (pp. 3213-3216). IEEE. (EI)

14. Xu, Y., Zhang, L., Vural T., Qian, P., Wang, Y., Fan, Y., Li, M., Tang, X., & Cao, Z.(2023). STFN: Spatio-Temporal Fusion Network to Detect Ethereum Phishing Scams. EITCE. (EI)

15. Qian, P., Wu, H., Du, Z., Vural, T., Rong D., Cao, Z., Zhang, L., Wang, Y., Chen, J., & He, Q. (2024). MuFuzz: Sequence-Aware Mutation and Seed Mask Guidance for Blockchain Smart Contract Fuzzing. 2024 IEEE 40th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE). IEEE. (EI, CCF-A)

